With pizza’s popularity, there are bound to be extensions and new formats guests are looking for.
Calzones are on 32.1% of menus, principally in restaurants specializing in pizza (69%) and Italian food (24.4%). Flatbread is on 12% of menus, with an appeal that stretches across menu types and categories (such as appetizers and small plates). This helps give flatbreads an above-average projected growth rate, outperforming 79% of other food and beverages over the next four years
See this recipe using our Que Bueno Cheese Sauce and Roasted Garlic Concentrate
CHEF-MATE® Que Bueno White Queso (6x107 oz.) | Nestlé Code: 00050000477760
MINOR'S® Roasted Garlic Concentrate (6x1 lb.) | Nestlé Code: 00074826142060
Sandwich-Style Pizza Cousins CLASSIC LASAGNA STROMBOLI
STOUFFER'S® Meat Lasagna (4x96oz) | Nestlé Code: 10013800303216
And don’t forget to up your meatless game with our “New” Awesome Lasagna made with Sweet Earth Awesome Grounds.
STOUFFER'S® Awesome Lasagna (4x96oz) | Nestlé Code: 0001380027341300